Monday, May 5, 2008

a day in the life of cassidy.

i really hope you don't expect this to be exiting.

and before i start, i'[ve given up on punctuation. i never puncuate anything or capitalize, its not me, so why do it on herreeee!

and another thing, i write this blog for my own entertainment...its like a journal, except not so personal... haha

OKAY. on to my day.

i woke up at 7:15. I had a dentist app. at 8 so i thought i didn't have to get up early like i do for school. But i did. turns out, we had to leave the house at 7:30. that's the same time i usually leave for school! so i got up and frankly, i didn't smell like roses, so i went and took like a 5 minute shower. i didn't even put make up on but we HAD to go because we couldn't be late bla bla bla. So i go to the dentist with a wet head.

So im at the dentist for a cleaning and Gail, my lady who was going to clean my teeth informed me that i have the cleanest teeth they have like ever seen on a teenager with braces hahaa they always compliment me on my clean teeth. THANK YOU SONICARE! hahah and i had no cavities!!!!i know im bragging but i don't even care because its just teeth right. and who isn't happy about clean teeth?

Then i decided i was friggen starving so we went to the Original House of pancakes. MY dear mother forgot her purse so guess who payed?

ME! hahaha but it was all good.

then i decided i wanted to go to school because well frankly i dont know why...But i did. And i forgot that i looked like the devil...oh yeah i remember why i wanted to go. There's this new 6th grader named Shanon. For some bloody reason she got fist lunch with all the 8th graders. The poor girl didn't know anyone and had no one to sit with. Me and cheyenne found her in the bathroom. So i had to go to lunch so she could have someone to sit with.

then i came home and washed my hands.

then i played with my baby niece Scarlett Ann. She talks to me.

Now I'm writing a blog about my lame day.


Kristi said...

Seemed like a good cavities, played with Scarlett...but what's up with your mom forgetting her purse? She was driving without her license. Shame on her!