Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sleeping on the job.

I know i always blog about babysitting, but its the only time something interesting ever happens in my boring life.

Any who, i was watching these ADORABLE twins John John and Gracie Harney on Monday. John and Grace are obsessed with Rollie Pollies. Since I'm such an amazing person, i agreed to go rollie pollie hunting with them.

never again.

not only did we find rollie pollies, we found spiders and worms and every other disgusting bug ever. It was all good until Grace wanted to bring hers inside. uh, no. When i told her that, she kinda freaked me, being the creative genius i am, went to Google and printed out big pictures of Rollie pollies for the kids. Personally, the pictures make me gag but they love them and also named them. The pictures are now hanging up in each of their rooms.

hahahah ANYWAYS.

I babysat last night again for them and it was great. All three of us were super tired, me because of a party, them because well, there three [[or four?]] and are crazy. We watched scooby doo, ate snacks, told stories and went to bed.

I really really, tried to stay up but it was physically impossible. about two hours later Amy and john come home from there date to a dead asleep babysitter. Instead of just politely waking me up like normal people would do,they take pictures!!!!!!!!!!!

Was anyone planning on telling me how ugly of a sleeper i am!!?????

talk about embarrassing.


Kristi said...

Remember Bobby waking you up at our house! I always get the half sleepy, drunk look from you when you come out to the car for your ride home! Sleeping on the job must be a regular thing for you!