Tuesday, May 6, 2008

So much to write, so little time

i seriously have so much to write...here's an over view...

1. i should of never made a blog about Michelle because now cheyenne and Ryne want one..haha just kidding, i will make them one.

2. This amazing book i read..Everyone should read it.

3. Leaving my locker combo on my locker

Yep that's what i'll be talking about!


cheybaby, It's been 8 spankin years and we're still best friends. We're so different from each other, but it somehow works. I love every minute we spend together. I have some of the best memories with you...like taking pictures outside at 12 at night wearing sunglasses or jamming the printer at your moms work, or stalking tommy, or coming home from school and making you chocolate chip waffles, or pretending we're doing our homework but really we're watching Juno and breaking you nails off hahahha. I could name a thousand more, but i think you get the point. I love how you are always on my side about everything and always sticking up for me. Now that i think about it, i don't think we've ever fought. Third grade doesn't count! hahaha I love you so much Cheyenne autumn birch and i know we'll stay friends even though I'm going to north west :)

Ry, oh man. Unlike me and Cheyenne, me and you do fight...ALOT! hahaha but every fight only makes us closer. Some of the deepest talks i've ever had were with you. i love that about us. We can just sit and talk about everything. You can make me laugh harder then um anyone in the world. i think its even funnier that you still want to fight me even though you know i can beat the crap out of you ahahah. Basically, my year at escabedo would of sucked even more without you here. I know i can call you anytime and you'll be at my doorstep if i need you. I have to admit, i am jealous of how easy making friends comes to you. Please don't change form the funny, loving friend you are!


Basically, i am so happy i didn't have an SSR book. I was in English and i was looking on Mrs. Fowler's bookshelf for a book when she recommended one for me. Mrs. Fowler loves me because i read alot haha not kidding. So she recommended this book called A Knight in Rusty Armor. Really when she first gave it to me, i didn't want to read it, it looked stupid.

But being the kind soul i am, i did read it. And i absolutely fell in love with it. It's about this knight who is obsessed with his shiny armor. He wears it all the time. He has the biggest castles and he never spends anytime with his wife or kid. Basically, the knight gets stuck in his armor. He goes into the forest to look for Merlin, the wizard who can get this armor off. He fins the wizard.

The whole point of the book is that we're all hiding behind invisible armor and to get it off we have to really find ourselves...this might be really confusing but just read the book. it taught me so much. It's a really quick read and i don't know..its just great.

Now time for another moment of my stupidity.
I share a locker...well i did but i guess some stupid kids did something stupid and made it so we can't share a locker. So i got my new locker number and code. I still can't open it and that was last week.
The lady that gave me my locker code put it on a sticky note. Today i was trying to open my locker so i put the sticky note on my locker door while i tried to get it open.

And forgot the sticky note on the door.

I was freaking out all after lunch because i couldn't find my frickin code anywhere and all my stuff was in my locker. So i get to my locker and there's my code. Right on the front. It's really a miracle no one stole anything in my ghetto school.


Kristi said...

The locker thing totally made me laugh! It's so your kind of thing! You keep me entertained!

Oh, and that book had a stupid title. i probably wouldn't have read it. Now that you summarized the entire book there's no need for me to read it! Thanks, saves me time! Muah!